Fri, 5 May 2017
WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew takes another dip into the Humble Bundle and comes out playing Renowned Explorers: International Society while Dan gets nostalgic (again) playing Disney Afternoon Collection. LUDO-NARRATIVE DISSONANCE: Noted video game critic, Ian Bogost, got blood boiling when he wrote the salaciously titled, "Video Games Are Better Without Stories," for The Atlantic. D. and Andrew investigate the argument Bogost is making––its good points and its flaws––while also talking about why people play games in the first place. Dan talked about Ian Bogost's book, How to Talk About Video Games, back in "Episode 76 - Beepop." NOTES:
For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap. FEATURED MUSIC: -"Stayin' in Black" by Wax Audio