Fri, 3 March 2017
D. Bethel has been hit with a bad case of the sicks, so a Shortcast is in order. It's a busy week! Emerald City Comic Con is happening this weekend and Andrew will be there, no doubt wandering around. If you see him, say hello [ , ] for all intents and purposes. If you attend, let us know what you thought of the event in the comments! WEEK IN GEEK: Andrew attended an event celebrating the launch of the Kickstarter for the first tabletop game by friends of the site, Luke and Nicole (from, Food Truck Champion while D. Bethel decided to deepen his knowledge of Wolverine lore by reading the first fifteen-or-so issues of the long-running Wolverine comic book series by Chris Claremont and John Buscema.
For all intents and purposes, that was a shortcast recap. FEATURED MUSIC: -"Thunder Bustin'" by Wax Audio