Thu, 4 September 2014
It's time for PAX coverage with Dan and Andrew (mostly Andrew)! But before we get to PAX goodness, we must first get down to business. Week in Geek: For All Intents and Purposes now has an official Facebook page and an official Google+ page! Join them for regular updates, links, and interesting discussion. Meanwhile, Dan watches a documentary about a movie that was never made––Jodorowsky's Dune––and, guess what, Andrew goes to PAX Prime. Andrew Interviews: Andrew interviews Luke and Nicole from both Across The Board and Nerdy to talk about PAX! An intriguing interview spread across two parts that has them discuss everything from video games, to tabletop games, to diversity in gaming! The interview is broken up with: Discussion: Andrew and Dan discuss a recent study that shows that 92% of PC games purchased this year were digital. They discuss this physical-media-less trend and what it means and its benefits and deficits. Question: After discussing what they found most intriguing about this year's PAX Prime, they prance into a more light-hearted affair to ask: What is a cartoon/animated show you feel deserves a second look? Leave your responses and/or comments at this episode's post at, or feel free to send your responses, comments, or inquiries to Also, be sure to join our official Facebook and Google+ pages to stay up to date with updates, links to interesting articles and websites, and join in on the episode's discussion. For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap. Music from this Episode: -"Stayin' in Black" by Wax Audio -"Space Cruise (Title)" by Ben Prunty (from FTL: Faster Than Light (Official Soundtrack)) -"Into the Wilderness" by Michiko Naruke (from Wild Arms) -"I Giorni Dell'ira (Days of Anger)" by Riz Ortolani (from Django Unchained) -"You're the Best" by Joe Esposito (from The Karate Kid)