Fri, 25 September 2015
As was warned last week, this new episode is mostly about the Series 9 premier of Doctor Who. Be warned discussion of the episode will result in SPOILERS, so turn away from the podcast (take off your headphones first) if you want to avoid such discussion. Week in Geek: The boys were playing video games this week as Andrew finished playing Suikoden on his PS Vita while Dan wrapped up Mad Max and ponders open-world console games in the process. The Redemption of Bill Finger: By the end of the recently started second season of Fox's Gotham as well as in the credits for the upcoming Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice it has been announced that Bill Finger will be co-credited, along with Bob Kane, as the creator of Batman. Dan and Andrew discuss the relevance of this announcement. The Magician's Apprentice: SPOILER WARNING Andrew and Dan discuss––in frightening depth, the series 9 premier of Doctor Who. Let's Kill Hitler: At the heart of "The Magician's Apprentice" is a long-standing thought experiment, of which Dan and Andrew dive into its history and use in fiction (and its cultural relevance). *features audio taken from Doctor Who, "Genesis of the Daleks" Next Week: We'll be discussing Spoiler culture––why do we like spoilers and why are we so afraid of them? That and more in episode 67. Leave a comment on the page for this episode at Be sure to join our official Facebook and Google+ pages for exclusive content and listener discussion. Also, if you subscribe to the show on iTunes, please leave a review of the show in the iTunes store; it'll help spread the word of the show through the magic of Apple's algorithms. For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap. Featured Music: -"Stayin' in Black" by Wax Audio -"Doctor Who Theme (Series 8)" by Murray Gold -"Jeeves and Wooster" by Anne Dudley -"How's It Gonna End" by Tom Waits
Fri, 18 September 2015
Week in Geek: Andrew finally plays a WiiU with the Nintendo title, Super Mario 3D World, while Dan discusses his time at this year's Crocker-Con at the Crocker Art Museum. Group Gaming: Before the internet connected people worldwide, the solitary world of video gaming was often perforated by moments of playing a single game with a group of people. Dan and Andrew discuss this nostalgic (and still present) method of playing games with people in the room rather than online. Game & Watch: With the rise of televised (or streamed) eSports and the success of things like Twitch Plays or Let's Plays, gaming is more connected than ever. However, with the addition of a passive gaming experience does bring up interesting questions and ideas to what gaming is and how it's changing. Doctor Who Series 9 Prologue: If you haven't seen it, watch it here. Once that's done, listen to Andrew and Dan talk about Doctor Who if only to prepare for a full episode about Doctor Who next week. Question of the Geek: To celebrate the return of Doctor Who, what are your thoughts about the show, what questions do you have about the show, and (if necessary) why don't you like the show? Looking outward, what is other British Sci-Fi that you feel deserves more attention? Leave your answer as a comment at Be sure to join the official Facebook and Google+ pages, as well. You may e-mail us any questions, comments, or concerns at forallpod [at] gmail [dot] com. Be sure to leave a review of the show on the iTunes store in order to help spread the word. For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap. Featured Music: -"Stayin' in Black" by Wax Audio -"Comradeship" by Norihiko Hibino (from Metal Gear Solid 2: The Other Side) -"Watch It Die" by Bad Religion -"(The Majestic Tale of) An Idiot With a Box" by Murray Gold (from Doctor Who: Series 8) -"The Candy Man Can" by Aubrey Woods (from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory)
Fri, 11 September 2015
This week the boys investigate a topic very near and dear to many sci-fi nerds' hearts: Battlestar Galactica. Week in Geek: Andrew finally plays Shadows of Brimstone while Dan eagerly plays Mad Max. Wes Craven: Wherein Dan and Andrew discuss the death of horror master, Wes Craven. BSG: Though Battlestar Galactica has a long lineage over multiple series, Andrew and Dan decide to focus on the 2005 Ronald D. Moore-helmed reboot that ran on the Sci Fi Channel. There's so much to talk about that they only scrape the surface, but what's there is pretty fun! AppleTV New.0: Apple had a big reveal this week, and though a lot of interesting things were covered, Andrew was particularly excited about the new AppleTV. Question of the Geek: With the popularity of Let's Plays, eSports, etc., we want to know what the draw is about watching people play games? Do you watch? What do you watch? How do you watch? Leave your answers as comments on the page for this episode at Be sure to join our official Facebook and Google+ pages. Also, send us any questions, comments, or concerns via e-mail at forallpod [at] gmail [dot] com. If you subscribe to the show on iTunes, be sure to leave a review for the show to help spread the word! For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap. Featured Music: -"Stayin' in Black" by Wax Audio -"Nightmare Overhaul" by Tops and Bottoms -"All Along the Watchtower" by Bear McCreary (from Battlestar Galactica) -"Waiting Room" by Philippe Lachance (from Spaceteam) -"Space: 1999 Main Titles" by Barry Gray
Fri, 4 September 2015
This week we talk about last week's PAX Prime event! We even had a man in the field. His name is Andrew. Week in Geek: Andrew hosts trivia with the 12th source for all nerdy and geeky news and discussion podcast, Nerdhole (check out their website for some terrific PAX Prime 2015 coverage), while Dan gets emotional and nostalgic as he watched a father play through the Oculus Rift Apollo Moon Landing demo. PAX Prime 2015 News: Some announcements were made and news was had at this year's event. Dan and Andrew go through the things that piqued their interests. PAX and Nerd Conventions: Andrew and Dan go over how PAX fits into the convention circuit that dominates the nerd world right now, what conventions mean––how those meanings have changed over time––and what it means for nerds in the future. PAX Megagames: Andrew gets a chance to hop the velvet rope and actually work for a megagame at PAX, and they discuss the differences due to his role, where it took place, and how the game played. Question of the Geek: Did you like the 2005 Battlestar Galactica reboot? If so, how did it get its hooks into you? If not, why did you dislike it? We also talked about the financial returns of the great Atari E.T. dig, and Dan will be at Sacramento's Art Mix | Crocker-Con event on September 10th. Get details (and tickets) here. You can leave a comment at the page for this episode at Be sure to join the official Facebook and Google+ pages. Any questions, comments, or concerns can be e-mailed to us at forallpod [at] gmail [dot] com. Leave a review of the show at the iTunes store to help spread the word. For all intents and purposes, that was an episode recap. Featured Music: -"Stayin' in Black" by Wax Audio -"Slow Brood" by Andrew Hale & Simon Hale (from L.A. Noire) -"Orion" by The Scorched Earth Orchestra (Metallica cover) -"Mega Man 3 - Selection Theme" by Yasuaki Fujita (aka Bunbun) -"Watch the Skies" by Jeremy Soule (from Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)