Fri, 27 January 2023
OGL DISASTER REPORT: Andrew catches us up (briefly) on the ongoing Wizards of the Coast Open Game License drama.
WEEK IN GEEK: This week, Andrew realizes his dream tabletop game exists but spread across a television show and a video game as he discusses his first time through season 1 of The Walking Dead and his time with State of Decay 2. D. Bethel keeps the post-apocalyptic survival theme going as he finds a lot to enjoy in the premiere episode of HBO's The Last of Us. TOPICS: (00:00) Intro - OGL update (06:45) Andrew's WiG: The Walking Dead, Season 1, and State of Decay 2 (32:53) Dan's WiG: The Last of Us premiere episode (51:21) Outro - Willow Correction (54:04) Outtakes
Fri, 20 January 2023
OUT OF THE WAY, PECK: After 34 years, Disney decided to create a sequel series to the Lucasfilm cult classic fantasy film, Willow, exclusively for Disney+. D. Bethel is a devout fan of that original film; Andrew couldn't care less. So, they're going into this series from two very different contexts, but come to very similar conclusions: it's okay.
TOPICS: (00:00) Intro - DnD OGL Update (if any?) (04:33) Willow on Disney+ (46:41) Outro - History of the World, Part 2 surprise trailer (51:49) Outtakes RELEVANT EPISODES:
Fri, 13 January 2023
TOUCHING MANY BUCKETS: Dungeons & Dragons is making waves with the announcement––and subsequent leak––of the update to its Open Game License, a system that is meant to lay out the relationship between Dungeons & Dragons and the content people create based on its game system. Based on the leaked's not going well. Thankfully, we have our nerd lawyer to walk us through the ins and outs of what is known so far. TOPICS: (00:00) Intro - California Weather (04:24) OGL 1.1 Controversy (52:55) Outro - Closing Thoughts (54:18) Outtakes
RELEVANT LINKS: -The only mention of this controversy from D&D's official Twitter account, D&D Beyond. -A tweet from Sinopa Publishing discussing one of the points from the leaked OGL update. -Asplund, Andrew. “Legal Issues in Gaming: The Open Game License.” Tales from the Gamer Viceroy, 19 December 2012. -Walsh, Kit. "Beware the Gifts of Dragons: How D&D's Open Gaming License May Have Become a Trap for Creators." Electronic Frontier Foundation, 10 January 2023. -Codega, Linda. "Dungeons & Dragons' New License Tightens Its Grip on Competition." Gizmodo, G/O media, 03 January 2023. RELEVANT EPISODES: -"Kamen Themes" (30 December 2022): Where our hosts last discussed this controversy...only two weeks ago.
Fri, 6 January 2023
It's been over a year since D. Bethel sat down with Taurus Comics' Kyrun Silva to talk about reading, making, and selling comics. Since both hosts recently released new books, they spend some time to focus on what is probably (for some) the least fun part of the comics creation process: marketing.