Fri, 20 September 2024
This year is a big year with the local show, CrockerCon, reaching its 10th show in the Sacramento region. Being ten shows in, our hosts––D. Bethel of Long John and Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics––get a bit reflective, especially since Kyrun has moved from being an exhibitor to a co-coordinator, giving us a look behind the curtain, beyond our normal look behind the table. RELEVANT INFORMATION:
Fri, 14 August 2020
Everything has changed in the wake of COVID-19. This applies, of course, to indie comic creators, for whom the pandemic hit especially hard in terms of income. With gatherings of people not likely to happen in any safe capacity for awhile, it has many creators asking, "What do we do in a world without comic conventions?"
D. Bethel and Taurus Comics' Kyrun Silva sit down to talk about creating comics during a pandemic. While a dour topic generally, they manage to find the laughs amid the serious discussion of the future of indie comics and the conventions they hold so dear.
Find Kyrun's work through Taurus Comics at: Taurus Comics websiteFacebookTwitter D. Bethel's webcomic, Long John.Want to read a storyline from D. Bethel's previous comic, Eben07? Read the comic's final, five-issue story––"Operation: 3-Ring Bound"––for free as an ebook.Find reference images at the post for this episode on the website.
Con Artists #01 - StocktonCon, pt. 1: The drive home from the first day of the show. Kyrun and D. discuss making sales, confidence, and the comics they grew up reading and enjoying. Con Artists #02 - StocktonCon, pt. 2: The drive to StocktonCon to start Day 2 of the show. They discuss the importance of continuity, the level of fan engagement and ownership over continuity, and Dan's strange reading habits growing up. Con Artists #03 - StocktonCon, pt. 3: Where Kyrun and D. talk about the breadth of indie comics, writing comics, and dive headfirst into personal nostalgia. Con Artists #04 - StocktonCon Winter 2019: Where D. Bethel and Kyrun try out StocktonCon's inaugural Winter show...with mixed results. FEATURED MUSIC: “Road Music” by D. Bethel"Bounce" by D. Bethel
Wed, 13 February 2019
The lauded limited podcast series returns with a new episode as well as a fan-favorite co-host, Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics as he and D. Bethel (check out his webcomic, Long John, and his podcast, A Podcast [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes) pair up to take on the first StocktonCon Winter show. This episode focuses on the strange space that indie creators inhabit, that realm between fan and professional and how those waters can get muddied, especially when it comes to reading and respecting creators from your childhood (there is a lot of Rob Liefeld talk in these conversations) to meeting your heroes as a creator in your own right. CORRECTION: D. Bethel said that one of the Uncanny X-Men issues he had Jim Lee sign was #249; he meant to say it was #248. All apologies. OTHER EPISODES:
–––––––––––––––––– Special thanks to Kyrun Silva for agreeing to being recorded and for driving us to and from the convention. FEATURED GUEST: -Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics FEATURED RECORDING EQUIPMENT: -Tascam DR-40 FEATURED EXISTENTIAL WESTERN WEBCOMIC: FEATURED MUSIC: -“Road Music” by D. Bethel
Tue, 25 September 2018
In the final episode of this initial experimental run of Con Artists, the second and final day of StocktonCon has come to a close and rather than have an exhausted (which they were) drive home, Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics and D. Bethel again probe into different aspects of reading, making, and selling comics. They probe the circumstances that would have to occur to go pro, the processes of writing and editing comics, the different facets of indie comics, and dive deep into nostalgia to close out the weekend. Creating this podcast ended up being a very enlightening process, shining light on angles of creativity previously hidden by ignorance, willful or otherwise. We hope you've enjoyed Con Artists and, with luck, there will be more in the future! OTHER EPISODES:
–––––––––––––––––– Special thanks to Kyrun Silva for agreeing to this experiment (and for driving us to and from the convention). Thanks to Ben Schwartz of Empire’s Comics Vault for hosting the table. FEATURED GUEST: -Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics FEATURED RECORDING EQUIPMENT: -Tascam DR-40 FEATURED LOCAL COMIC SHOP: FEATURED EXISTENTIAL WESTERN WEBCOMIC: FEATURED MUSIC: -“Road Music” by D. Bethel
Tue, 18 September 2018
With the first day of StocktonCon completed, Kyrun and D. Bethel begin the second day by getting in the car and driving down the 99 to Stockton. It's early, they're tired, they're going wherever the conversation takes them. While this morning conversation doesn't touch on conventions or marketing strategies, they dive deep into a major aspect of comics culture: continuity. It's at the heart of a lot of stories and in the hearts of a lot of fans, often to the point of taking despicable actions when a creative team makes changes that they don't like. They examine their own thoughts about the importance of continuity as well as why, it seems, so many people hold continuity with the highest possible value. Also, for some reason, the conversation dives deep into D. Bethel's own biases when it comes to mainstream comics and how––and if––he overcame those biases. LINKS:
–––––––––––––––––– Special thanks to Kyrun Silva for agreeing to this experiment (and for driving us to and from the convention). Thanks to Ben Schwartz of Empire’s Comics Vault for hosting the table. FEATURED GUEST: -Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics FEATURED RECORDING EQUIPMENT: -Tascam DR-40 FEATURED LOCAL COMIC SHOP: FEATURED VEHICLE: -2003 Ford Expedition FEATURED HIGHWAY: -CA-99 FEATURED MUSIC: -“Road Music” by D. Bethel
Tue, 11 September 2018
Welcome to the only briefly previously announced, limited series, side-podcast called Con Artists. Hosted by D. Bethel, what you'll hear over the next three weeks––posting on Tuesdays––is a conversation between D. and Kyrun Silva, another independent comic creator based in Sacramento known for founding the imprint, Big Tree Comics, before leaving and starting a more focused venture with Taurus Comics, as they drive to and from this year's StocktonCon where they shared a table in the Artist Alley. Starting on the drive home from the first day of the two-day event, the discussions of Con Artists are much less focused than that of the main show, A Podcast [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes, and instead follow the natural progression of the conversations as they occurred.
That being said, the conversations revolve around a clustered group of comics-focused topics: making comics, reading comics, and selling comics. In those topics, D. and Kyrun talk about their history of comicking, the books and characters they grew up loving, and the art of tabling and selling at a show like StocktonCon. It's two guys talking shop while driving down the freeway. Though it's an experiment disguised as a side project, [ , ] For All Intents and Purposes is proud to host the limited series and we hope those listening enjoy it. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Special thanks to Kyrun Silva for agreeing to this experiment (and for driving us to and from the convention). Thanks to Ben Schwartz of Empire's Comics Vault for hosting the table. FEATURED GUEST: -Kyrun Silva of Taurus Comics FEATURED RECORDING EQUIPMENT: -Tascam DR-40 FEATURED VEHICLE: -2003 Ford Expedition FEATURED HIGHWAY: -CA-99 FEATURED MUSIC: -"Road Music" by D. Bethel